
Jean of Luxembourg (1466) #2
Jean "Hennequin" de Luxembourg (1400-1466), Batard de Saint-Pol, Seigneur de Haubourdin, Haut-Bailli de Malines, Amiral des Pays-Bas outre-Flandres (Admiral van de Nederlanden bruiten Vlaanderen) (1446), Chevalier de la Toison d'Or (1433)
(Bastard of Saint-Pol, Lord of Haubourdin, High Bailiff of Mechelen, Admiral of the Netherlands outside Flanders (1446), Knight in the Order of the Golden Fleece (1433)
Acrylic and ink on Bristol card . CAD reworked with a black background.
(Bastard of Saint-Pol, Lord of Haubourdin, High Bailiff of Mechelen, Admiral of the Netherlands outside Flanders (1446), Knight in the Order of the Golden Fleece (1433)
Acrylic and ink on Bristol card . CAD reworked with a black background.