Autocannone Lancia 3 RO da 90/53
Autocannone Lancia 3 RO da 90/53
Left side-view plan drawings done for the French publisher Caraktere.
Other available variants:
-Lancia 3 RO + Rimorchio portacarri M Viberti + M11/39
-Lancia 3 RO Portacarri
-Lancia 3 RO (Cargo/GS)
Left side-view plan drawings done for the French publisher Caraktere.
Other available variants:
-Lancia 3 RO + Rimorchio portacarri M Viberti + M11/39
-Lancia 3 RO Portacarri
-Lancia 3 RO (Cargo/GS)