
Willys-Overland MB-T, Trailer, 2-Wheel, 1/4 ton (Early)
Willys-Overland MB-T, Trailer, 2-Wheel, 1/4 ton (Early)
1 page 10-Views plan drawings done for the French publisher Caraktere.
Other available variants:
-Bantam T-3, Trailer, 2-Wheel, 1/4 ton (Early)
-Bantam T-3 / Willys-Overland MB-T, Trailer, 2-Wheel, 1/4 ton
-Bantam T-3 / Willys-Overland MB-T, Trailer, 2-Wheel, 1/4 ton (Post-War)
1 page 10-Views plan drawings done for the French publisher Caraktere.
Other available variants:
-Bantam T-3, Trailer, 2-Wheel, 1/4 ton (Early)
-Bantam T-3 / Willys-Overland MB-T, Trailer, 2-Wheel, 1/4 ton
-Bantam T-3 / Willys-Overland MB-T, Trailer, 2-Wheel, 1/4 ton (Post-War)