
Transportpanzer 1 "Fuchs" A4 (Rüstsatz "Milan") #2.4
Transportpanzer 1 "Fuchs" A4 (Rüstsatz "Milan"), 2. Kompanie, 5. Gepanzerte Einsatzverband, 37. "Freistaat Sachsen", Panzergrenadierbrigade, 10. Panzerdivision, Bundeswehr, Heer, GCONSFOR, SFOR, Operation "Joint Forge", Rakovica, Bosnia & Herzegovina, August 1998.
Acrylics and ink on Bristol card. CAD modified to be proposed as a single view and with a shadowed background.
Acrylics and ink on Bristol card. CAD modified to be proposed as a single view and with a shadowed background.