Spahpanzer 2 "Luchs" A2 #1 (Blueprint #5)
Spahpanzer 2 "Luchs" A2, 13. Panzeraufklärungsbataillon, 2. Kompanie, 5. Gepanzerte Einsatzverband, Bundeswehr, 37. "Freistaat Sachsen" Panzergrenadierbrigade, 10. Panzerdivision, Heer, Bundeswehr, Germany, NATO, GCONSFOR, Operation "Joint Forge", at Kiseljak, Bosnia & Herzegovina, August 1998.
Acrylics and ink on Bristol card. CAD modified background with the plan drawings blueprint (in sand) of the vehicle.
Acrylics and ink on Bristol card. CAD modified background with the plan drawings blueprint (in sand) of the vehicle.